Monday, October 12, 2009

Perception and appealing to the 5 senses!

Our Second Session is based on perception. Perception is to obtain knowledge through our senses, sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.
Through the perceptual process knowledge is gained about elements of the environment and our surroundings. Perception is critical to use as it creates experiences and allows us to interact with the environment.
The perceptual process is a sequence of steps that allows us to respond with an action, beginning with the environmental or attended stimulus that leads to our perception and response to the stimulus.

Through the paint task we were requested to create names for a paint chart. Our target audience to base the names on was 8years and under.
Here is our chart, plus the names we chose based n our perception on 8year olds and under…

The colours names we chose show that our perception skills of 8years olds and under are clear and relate to children of this age group.

Using there perception skills advertisers appeal to consumers 5 senses through a variety of advertisements.

The M&S commercial for example. The commercial has a women’s voice, softly describing the food, along side the warming, enticing music playing in the background. These parts of the commercial are aimed at the audio senses. And finally the visual and smell sense. The food is the main point of this commercial, they have made there food look fresh, and as if it’s just been made to serve, with the steam and juices from the food flowing through out.
The M&S Commercial..
For Advertisers to be successful they must appeal to all 5 senses if it is to catch consumers interest on the product.
Here are some useful links on the perceptual process and 5 senses...

Monday, October 5, 2009

As Required for my course, i have been asked to create a blog, stating our weekly sessions and discussing what i have learned.

My first week of understanding the customer consisted of expressive activities, with a discussion on perception skills. Two book cover were presented to use with the name and author removed. This allowed use to think freely on what we thought each book was about. With many ideas and suggestion flying around, we believed the two books to be complete opposites. And in fact were one in the same! The publisher had simply change the front cover over time to advertise to different audiences. This shows that a book truly should NOT be judged by its cover!
Upon experiencing the book cover challenge, another task was set for us to put our perception skills to the test. The egg challenge was to have a large A3 sheet each, and fill the page with a shape, any shape we could think of and fill the shape with answers to the questions being read out. Such as,
Favourite colour
Colour of eyes
Nationality etc.

All of these questions could be answered with a picture or a just words, the choice was ours! Once completed, papers were swapped and the perceptions on whos were whose began…
Here is my drawing and the perception on what they believed me to be.

As you can see im a very outgoing and scruffy person, yet the person, who was fortunate enough to have my egg to study, was very accurate with her perceptions of me!

Thus concluding that from a few word or pictures about a person’s fears or fantasies can be revealed from another person’s perception skill.